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Central Valley
Fiction Writers

Central Valley
Fiction Writers


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seen on tablets and some laptops can be found on the Writers Share Page           

Highlights of Our Group's
Traditional and Indie

Central Valley Fiction Writers (CVFW) provides education and support for writers located in California’s Central Valley region, from Stockton to Bakersfield.

Fiction Writers
make it up as they go!
~ Reading Between the Lines ~
Activities and Workshops Ahead



Upcoming Meetings

~Writing The Lines ~

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Exciting Excerpts from Members Published Books

Excerpt from Cookies for My Orc Neighbor by Michele Mills


The big green Orc living next door to me is so very mysterious.

He works from home and rarely goes outside. And when he does go out, he never wears a shirt buttoned over his massive chest, no matter the weather. Small children and senior citizens run screaming when he stomps to his truck, so I guess I understand his reticence?

But today is Valentine’s Day and I’m worried the big guy is sad and lonely. My neighbor is more angry-looking and growly than usual, despite that darling puppy he recently adopted.

And since I happen to be alone this Valentine’s Day too, I decide to bring him a plate of my famous sugar cookies.

Everyone warns me not to disturb him because Orcs always claim their Brides in the dark of winter.

But for some reason, this doesn’t worry me at all.

                                                       Click Here for full excerpt.

Excerpt from The Long Dark Cloak, by Vicki D. Thomas

Ivan panicked as he imagined Zephyrus dying minutes before their arrival. His fingers tightened on the reins. Rivulets of sweat made their way down the sides of his face, wetting his collar, chilling his neck. After all the challenges he’d endured, risking his life and his beagles, the thought of failing now left him shaken.
  “The Dark Army is advancing,” Sebastian wailed, breaking Ivan’s tortured thoughts.

“We can’t risk losing another second.”

                                               Click Here for full excerpt.

Excerpt from One Fine Day by Carrie Padgett

Football in the South was all Friday Night Lights and The Blind Side. Sam Hardy was determined to get back into the game no matter what. If he didn’t play for the Tennessee Titans this season, he might never see the field again. He’d be sidelined. Listed as a has-been at thirty. And he wasn’t ready to be anyone’s has been.

He was a champion, and this was his year for a Super Bowl ring, and the Titans were his team.

                                               Click Here for full excerpt.

Excerpt from Haiku Dance, by Cora J. Ramos

968 A.D., early morning, Mount Takao, Japan

Under the thatch-covered bamboo porch of their simple wooden house, Shino sat next to Grandfather and watched a nightingale flit through the mist that hung over the rows of tea bushes they farmed. 

   Grandfather sighed softly and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I've made a decision. I'm sending you away."

   Shino frowned. "Away. Why?

   "At thirteen, you're entering your manhood and need discipline."

   "No," Shino whispered, his lips tightening. "I've had enough of discipline."

 Click Here for full excerpt



The NEWEST Release
CVFW Member!

Roh Morgon!

Prequel to
The Chosen Series

Now in Paperback, too!!!

Something is out there, watching . . .

Sunny Collins can’t shake the feeling someone is watching her, but she chalks it up to stress from work, school, and life as a busy single mom. Her imagination manifests into reality when she’s ripped away from everything she knows and plunged within a world of blood and darkness.

In her struggle to escape the monsters holding her captive, she discovers she must now fight new ones—the ones inside her—while fearing she'll never see her teenage daughter again.

As Sunny's search for Andrea becomes the driving force in her life, it also becomes a search for her own self, leading her to wonder whether or not she'll ever be able to conquer her violent new instincts and re-enter human society.

The questions haunt Sunny like ghosts from beyond the grave—will she ever find her daughter?

Or will she be doomed to an isolated existence as a monster, forever alone in the dark? 

To Purchase:




The NEWEST Release
CVFW Member!

Vicki D. Thomas!

The Golden Lantern
Second in the Relics Adventures

Fifteen-year-old Ivan Kimble returns to the mystical West Forest, willing to risk everything to find his older brother, who hasn't come home as he'd promised. The demon living in the fiery deep caverns warned Ivan not to return to the forest or he'd kill him. Ivan ignores the threat and ventures forward with his guide, Sebastian, the kindly spirit imbued in the Long Dark Cloak.


Their journey is fraught with danger at every turn. Will Ivan find his brother and save the forest?

Purchase here:


Barnes and Noble


~Between the Lines~

Writing Tips

Check out this fantastic blog at

I Love Vampire Novels

CVFW member, Roh Morgon's book is showcased to demonstrate




An interesting new website...

Flash Fiction Newsletter

Is on the io.groups forum

Click here to look it over and read this week's newsletter.

Did you know there are 144 genres and sub-genres in Fiction?!!

          No Way?

        Click Here



AND...What is Upmarket Fiction? Read this article and see if you can figure it out!

Click Here


Check out The

 Ladies of Mystery Blog

A well-done blog with lots of information for all fiction writers


A professional writer's strategy


Check out this link for

best online tools for writers.



Reedsy for all things Marketing!



Check out this great marketing place for Writers!






The BEST Word Finder

and Thesaurus EVER?

Check it out here!


Easy to Use -

Plot Diagrams to create  heightened suspense and action in your story.


Click HERE to view and download the diagrams.


September 14, 2024

October 19, 2024

November 9, 2024

Meetings held on 2nd Saturday of the month

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